
Anti Terrorism Hostage Attacks


Anti Terrorism Hostage Attacks Training: Attitudes and Behaviours to adopt.
Given the current national and even international events, many schools and companies are dreading this situation.
Being confronted with terrorist violence and finding themselves totally helpless in the face of individuals determined to harm and destroy.

Fighting terrorism

The course is therefore aimed at people of legal age who are in contact with open environments that are accessible to all individuals.
The module lasts 4 hours. 2.5 hours of theoretical presentation and 1.5 hours of containment/evacuation exercise depending on the size of the establishment.

Read also Installation of a video alarm camera system

Containment or evacuation

The advantage of this training is that all staff can be trained in a very short space of time. This is the practical solution for the employer and employees because everything is done on site and in half a day!

Read also: Airport Safety and Security

This module is divided into two parts:


The first part deals with the active, violent section of the intrusion of an armed individual. The victim learns how to gain precious time to save his life and moreover the lives of the people around him. 
We insist on the acquisition of automatisms to have an effective reaction at the moment “T”. 

We are not talking about “good or bad reflexes”. Both safety and security require the acquisition of automatisms. 
We insist on the fact that this acquisition of automatisms has a positive effect on the stress experienced.

Read also: Protection of goods and people

Hostage taking

The second part deals with the passive, or even relatively calm, section experienced in the case of hostage taking.
It is a question of knowing how to manage a situation that is likely to last for some time. People deal with a psychological, behavioural and environmental sector involving physical and psychological management.

Read also: Fighting Cyber Attacks

Training – Session -Support

The session takes place with a pedagogical support (Keynote/PP) and video with reactivity.
Questions and answers are exchanged between speakers and listeners.

Public: All audiences
Number of participants: limited to 40 per session
Duration: 4 hours – 2.5 hours of theory and 1.5 hours of simulation exercises.
Location: Within your company

Formation Terrorisme Attentats Otages
Terrorism – Armed individuals – Hostages camps

Report NICE MATIN Training session at Royal Mougins Golf Club

Discover also: Video Alarm Camera System

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