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Intervention Assistance File

Dossier avant intervention sécurité sûreté

Why develop an Intervention Assistance File?

The Intervention Assistance File informs the police forces upstream in the management of a security crisis (malicious acts, armed intruder, etc.) in order to optimise their knowledge of the premises and the organisation of their possible intervention.

GOTO Protection offers the development of Intervention Assistance Files that allow the police to have access to the geographical situation of the site before they arrive on site.
Then they have access to the practical and contact information of the people in charge of the place where the event is taking place.
It also provides the contact details of the local police authorities, emergency services and the location of strategic areas and knowledge of the problems.

Intervention Assistance Files by GOTO PROTECTION

To produce an IAF, GOTO Protection goes to the site to gather all the information according to strict specifications in order to produce a clear, legible IAD that can be understood by anyone who has the file in hand.

This file includes:

Ground plan and interior plans with a video trail
Fields of view of the exterior and interior cameras
Identification of entrances and other key points
Internal procedures and practical information.

The formatted file is then sent to the site manager and to the competent police force on a physical medium such as a USB key and dematerialised by e-mail.

Read also: Airport Safety and Security

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